Turn on your Innate Healing System
4-part health conferences
Thank you to our Sponsors!
Monthly door Prices!
Where: Kitimat Public Library
When : Thursdays, 4:30-6pm
Door: $25/pers or $45 if your bring a friend! cash or e.transfer @ janiepelletiernutrition@gmail.com
Prepay: $20/pers or $35 if your bring a friend! by e.transfer @ janiepelletiernutrition@gmail.com
Actually... your innate healing system is active at all times!
It may be running well if you:
- Feel happy and content in your life
- Digest your food well and feel energized after a meal
- Have a regular bowel movement (Yes poop talk are inevitable when we talk about health!)
- Feel focus, clear minded
- Have a sense of purpose and motivation to accomplish your day
It may be sub-optimal if you:
- Feel lethargic after a meal, bloated, or other sign of indigestion
- Get "hangry" 1-2 hours after a meal (spoiler alert: blood-sugar drop potential mild hypoglycemia)
- Have brain fog or hard timing focusing
- Feel dissastisfied in your body or in your life
- Are dealing with chronic pain or chronic conditions
This all relate to your Metabolism, or how your body utilize the food you eat paired with the oxygen your breath to create energy. Depending on the environment it is exposed to, such as nutrition & lifestyle, it'll survive or thrive.
My mission is to teach, inform, and empower others on their capacity to heal and thrive through nutrition, movement, lifestyle, and the latest research.
Where: Kitimat Public Library
When : Thursdays, 4:30-6pm
Door: $25/pers or $45 if your bring a friend! cash or e.transfer @ janiepelletiernutrition@gmail.com
Prepay: $20/pers or $35 if your bring a friend! by e.transfer @ janiepelletiernutrition@gmail.com​​
Intention: When attending each monthly conference, you'll gain knowledge, tools, and accountability to create transformation into your health and life. You'll have the opportunity to take on monthly challenges to implement lasting changes ... for the rest of your life.
Topics - Each conference prepares you for the following one, they are meant to be all attended in order to get the maximum understanding and benefits. But if you can't be part of them all, I'll be posting the visual slide show on my website and you can also book a consultation to dive in deeper!
Jan 30 - Feed your guts - Tap into your “Healing system”
Feb 20 - Keto & “toxic” fat
March 27th - Fasting, Cravings & weight loss
April 24 - Muscle, movement & protein intake as we age
PLEASE share this information and stay tuned to all the great Kitimat wellness businesses which will join me into this Wellness movement!
They'll be door prices and space for questions!
These conferences are for anyone:
Who's health aware and want to take it to another level
Struggling with hormonal fluctuations: perimenopause / menopause, insuline resistance, etc
With chronic conditions / inflammation / pain
Wanting to lose weight
Wanting to prevent Alzheimer's disease and cognitive decline
Dissatisfied with the "health-care" system
Healthcare practitioners wanting to dive deeper into nutrition and lifestyle practices as a fondamental tool for healing.
Who's intrigued and curious about the topics
Who tried ALL the diets / fasting regiments and want to know more
Who knows there is no single magic cure to healing and thriving means doing the work on a daily basis
Wanting to optimise their digestive, cognitive, and immune functions
EVERYONE deserves to receive these informations, we are meant to heal ourselves.
These conferences are meant to be financially accessible because I believe that being healthy should not break the bank! We are innately wired to heal and generate.
Looking forward to connect!